Funding A Dedicated Mental Health Resource

Place2Be and MIND Consellors.

Lunchtime Presentations

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We are really pleased to confirm that the school has now secured the services of a dedicated counsellor, through Place2Be, to be based at school three days per week from 1 June 2022, to supplement the counsellor provided by MIND (free of charge) for the other two days. Below is further information from Ms Stevenson regarding the resource and what it means to be able to have it in place:

“Place2Be are working closely with the school to make sure the counsellor will be able to work well with students, parents and staff. They will work with students across all year groups, both with small groups and individuals. There will be a referral process for individuals in need of specific support; Heads of Years will work with pastoral staff (for example, Form Tutors, our School Chaplain), students and parents to identify which students are in most need of support from the counsellor each term. This will be an incredible resource for us to have in school: to have a counsellor from Place2Be along with the MIND practitioner will mean that we have full-time counselling support on site. Our pastoral team will continue to work with parents where there is the need for further support and intervention, for example through CAMHS.”

The annual cost of the counsellor is £40,762, with an inflationary increase in years 2 & 3 of the three year contract. A donation of £8,000 per year has been secured from The Prudence Trust leaving a balance of £32,762 annually (plus inflation).

From the funds already raised the PTA will cover the fees for the period to 31 March 2023 (being £27,301). The cost for the subsequent years will be the focus of our fundraising events starting with the Summer Garden Party on 16th July and our events for next year (see calendar below).

If anyone would like to make a one off donation towards the cost of the dedicated counsellor, please contact Rhona ( for the PTA’s account details or click on the donate link.