The PTA exists to foster positive relationships between parents and teachers and to enrich students’ educational experience.

We do this by raising money and contributing to the well being of the school


You Can Contribute

As a parent or guardian you can contribute to the success of the association in a number of ways – typically by volunteering your time, talent or resources

Attend Our Meetings

All parents and carers are welcome at meetings – to discuss current and future initiatives. The get-togethers are informal and provide a good opportunity to meet other parents

You Can Donate

We have a variety of options for donations, including one-off or regular monthly donations, or via online shopping plus we also run events where we encourage donations in person.


Your Donations Make A Difference

School Heads of Department submit ' Teachers Bids' that are generally agreed with Ms Stevenson & The Bursar before being forwarded to the PTA's monthly meeting for approval or modification. Bids are grouped so not only the first bids received are approved.

Parents can make bids in a similar way in order to, for example, create a more engaging environment, add resources or fund new activities.

Sometimes the school has urgent needs that transcend individual departments – a Grand Piano for example, in which case fundraising programmes are arranged around that specific project.

Donations For Academic Materials

The examination boards frequently fine-tune their specifications that may or may not involve a change of texts. There is usually some provision in the budgets for making new material available to pupils through photocopying material, for example, but not always enough to allow each member of class their own textbook.

On those occasions the support of the PTA is invaluable in providing a better arrangement - for pupils and teachers.

The PTA Is A Registered Charity

The PTA became a registered charity on 26 June 2009. The Charity Commission monitors the association. The PTA’s Registered Charity Number is 1130371. It is good practice to show this in literature and promotional material in small point size alongside the logo and fundraising expenditure (printing etc) should be free of VAT charges.

Where Are Meetings Held?

All PTA meetings are held at the school

You Could Be A Form Rep

Form reps are an invaluable part of the PTA infrastructure. It is their job to get to know children's parents in their class well and to know what time and talent parents have available to offer the PTA.

We need form reps for all the Forms in the school. If you would like to discuss the role in more detail or become a rep please contact us

Contact Us And Messaging

PTA messages are usually sent via the schools Parentmail system.  If you would like to get in touch with the PTA please email us at this address or use our contact form.

New parents particularly, please add this address to your email address books (or approved sender list) to prevent messages from being blocked by your SPAM/JUNK filters. Thanks!